Telephone Scams information

Telephone Scams information

Please click here to read the above posters that provide information about telephone scams. Poster by Cyber Crime Team, Dyfed-Powys Police. Share...
Social Media masterclass 12 May

Social Media masterclass 12 May

Join the Together for Change Masterclass on how to use social media more effectively to communicate with your community and volunteers. Please click here to see the information flyer and to find out how to sign up. Share...
Welsh Blood Service – 6th, 7th May

Welsh Blood Service – 6th, 7th May

The Welsh Blood Service aims to have least 7 days of each blood type at all times to help patients in need across Wales. Can you help by giving blood at Haverfordwest Rugby Club on 6,7 May ? Visit to book a lifesaving donation Nod...
Fflecsi briefing event – Wednesday 19 May 11am

Fflecsi briefing event – Wednesday 19 May 11am

Fflecsi is the new bus service in north west Pembrokeshire and has been running since November. There is an online briefing event on Wednesday, May 19th 11am to introduce the new Fflecsi service. It is open to everyone so if you would like to find out more about the...
Pembrokeshire Crime & Disorder Survey

Pembrokeshire Crime & Disorder Survey

The Pembrokeshire Community Safety Partnership (Safer Pembrokeshire CSP) is undertaking a survey to seek the views of the public on perceptions of crime and personal safety and in particular anti-social behaviour, community cohesion and hate crime within Pembrokeshire...
CADR Photo Competition 2021

CADR Photo Competition 2021

The Centre for Ageing & Dementia Research photo competition is now open. For more information visit: The competition will close on the 1 September. Cystadleuaeth Ffotograff CADR 2021 Mae’r gystadleuaeth nawr ar agor....
National Museum Wales – Objects of Comfort

National Museum Wales – Objects of Comfort

The museum has launched a new resource for care and group settings called Objects of Comfort For more information, click here: Objects of Comfort | National Museum Wales Mae’r amgueddfa wedi lansio adnodd newydd ar gyfer lleoliadau gofal a grwpiau o’r enw Cysur mewn...
The Big Lunch 5-6 June 2021 – save the date

The Big Lunch 5-6 June 2021 – save the date

Join on 5-6 June to celebrate community connections. The Big Lunch is a brilliant opportunity to build stronger community connections in 2021, whether that’s online, on your doorstep or over the fence. June may not be too far away, so now is the perfect time to start...
Safeguarding sessions

Safeguarding sessions

The following sessions are being delivered by Suzanne Mollison from the WCVA’s Safeguarding Team: • Refreshing Your Safeguarding Policy – 3.00pm, 15th April • Reviewing Your Safeguarding Policy in Light of Covid – 3.00pm, 29th April • DBS – What do we need to know –...
Importance of Good Mental Health

Importance of Good Mental Health

PAVS working in collaboration with West Wales Action for Mental Health (WWAMH) has arranged for Tim Teeling to deliver a series of seven free hour workshops from the beginning of May on the Importance of Good Mental Health. Sessions include Anxiety, Bipolar &...
West Wales online Governance Conference

West Wales online Governance Conference

The West Wales Governance Conference is taking place online this year, PAVS working together with CAVS & CAVO have planned five bite sized lunch time sessions during week commencing the 26th April. Open to all committee members, trustees, directors, members of...
Podcasts for Communities

Podcasts for Communities

Join the Together for Change Masterclass ‘Podcasts for Communities’ for a hands-on experience of recording and editing podcasts, and uploading them to the web. All you need is yourself, an internet connection and your digital device. Ymunwch â’n Dosbarth Meistr...
Solva’s first Seed Bank

Solva’s first Seed Bank

Solva’s first Seed Bank is open for business! Located in the ‘Milking Parlour’ at BayView Stores, it has a range of flower and vegetable seeds for you to try out. It is also open for donations – just leave any spare seeds that you may have in the box. Happy gardening!...