How can we support you or your relatives?
If you are finding that:
- you would like to get out and about more,
- some chores are getting too much,
- your carer needs a little support, or
- your spend too much time on your own
…then support from Solva Care may be the answer!
How does it work?
You make contact with our Coordinator who will match you with one of our volunteers. Our Coordinator can also act as a link to other sources of help or information, if another organisation is better placed to help.
How safe is it to use our service?
All our volunteers are recruited locally and have been DBS-checked, are insured, have signed a Confidentiality Agreement and received induction training.
Our Coordinator is employed by us and manages the day-to-day operation of Solva Care’s services. The Charity is monitored by the Charity Commission
Who pays?
It’s free! Solva Care relies on grants and donations to fund our voluntary service.

Contact us
To find out more about our service, how to become a volunteer or to make a donation.

How can we help?
- Pop-in visits
- Short respite for family members
- Shopping and picking up prescriptions
- Help with correspondence and form filling
- Conversation and reading
- Transport (if other transport is not available)
- Walks and trips out
- Minor repairs and maintenance
- Small domestic and garden chores (temporary)
- Dog walking
- Help with electrical devices and the internet
- Signposting to other services
Join an activity!
Solva Care organises regular activities in Solva, as well as assisting you with attending other activities that happen in our village, and further afield. Below are tasters of what is happening, but look at our Our News page to see more of what we do or can help you to do.
Friday Club
Held most Fridays at 2-4pm in Solva Memorial Hall, Friday Club is run by Solva Care as a weekly ‘get together’ where villagers can engage with each other in a variety of activities. Download the programme for more information.
It provides fun and entertainment sessions that include several bands – Country and Western, Solva Ukulele Pirates, St. Davids Cathedral Hand Bells and more. There are various craft sessions delivered by local people, gentle movement sessions provided by yoga and activity specialists. There are also music quizzes, beetle drives, and scrapbook memories and reminiscing sessions.
The aim of the sessions is to include as many local people and others to partake in wellbeing activities that address – not only the results of ageing, for example memory loss and restricted mobility – but also provide opportunities to combat loneliness, isolation and emotional issues; everyone who attends these sessions helps strengthen community bonds. Most of our sessions are delivered by local people and this alone encourages local involvement and integration, building knowledge and support to sustain our cohesive environment. Solva Craft Group have knitted bean bags for our exercising session.
We invite all ages to attend, when and if they can, and we can assist with transport. Call Lena on 07805 717556 or Sandra on 01437 721450 (just to check that it is running) or just come along.
Clwb Solfach/Solva Luncheon Club
In 1982 when Clwb Solfach was formed as an off-shoot of Solva Old People’s Welfare Committee, it was hailed as being a ‘self-help’ scheme unique in the three counties of Pembrokeshire, Cardiganshire and Carmarthenshire, and was an example for others setting up in Pembrokeshire.
There are 6 teams who take it in turn to cook and serve, and the Lulncheon Club is inspected under the Food & Hygiene Regulations.
A 2-course meal, plus a cup of tea or coffee, is provided most Wednesdays in Solva Memorial Hall, for the very reasonable sum of £5.
Anyone who lives within the parish of Whitchurch and Solva, who is disabled or is aged 60 and over is very welcome.
For more information, please contact Jane Pascoe on 01437 721544.
Thursday Coffee Morning
A team of volunteers from Solva holds a weekly coffee morning in the Memorial Hall on Thursdays, 10.30am – noon. There is no charge, but donations are accepted, and there is also a mini library. If you are in Solva and would like a lift to get there, just call our Co-ordinator Lena on 07805 717556.
Dewisland People’s Shed
The Dewisland People’s Shed is open every Tuesday from 10 am until lunchtime. Drop in for tea/coffee and a chat, or visit our the fully equipped wood/metal workshop. Make that new shelf or a love spoon, or just come and see what is here. We meet in the old Scout Hut in St Davids – in Ffynon Wen (off Bryn Road) with lots of space. Maybe your club would like to meet here! Or maybe you just want a quiet sit-down with chocolate biscuits on hand.
“Most of us, even permanent residents of Solva, do not immediately recognise the unique nature of the service provided by Solva care… until we discover that we need it.”
Self-help: some useful resources
The following content will link you to external websites.
Know Your Rights: An Easy Guide
Publication by the Older People’s Commissioner for Wales (2018) to help you understand your rights and protect yourself against discrimination.
Stay Safe Stay Connected
Stay Safe Stay Connected was a 2016-17 project funded by the Dyfed-Powys Police Commissioner
Each year many people fall victim to fraudsters, intent on stealing their personal and financial information and conning them out of their money. They are often targeted by scammers again and again!
- Mail Scams
- Telephone Scams
- Text Messages
- Internet Scams
- Doorstep Scams
Download a leaflet

Useful phone numbers if you, or a relative, friend or neighbour, have been targeted by a scam:
Neighbourhood Police: 101
Action Fraud: 0300 123 2040
Citizens Advice: 01437 806070 or 808743 / 0344 477 2020 (Cymraeg)

Registered Charity Number 1172878