The Solva Care Toolkit

Solva Care have produced – as part of a Knowledge Mobilisation Project, supported by the Public Health Department of Hywel Dda University Health Board – a Toolkit. Its aim is to share the experience of setting up Solva Care by synthesising the knowledge gained from the success of Solva Care for other communities wishing to set up and run similar initiatives.

The Toolkit was created by members of our community in 2018, and will shortly be published in hard copy.  In the meantime, links to all the chapters are below, as well as a page of useful resources.

So, all that remains is to introduce you to Long John Solva who will guide us through Solva Care’s journey…

Introducing Long John Solva

In our harbourside  village (a haven for smugglers down the ages) we believe that our greatest ‘hidden treasure’ is the local community and its people – and who better to guide us in how best to use this treasure trove than the Solva Care pirate, Long John Solva?

He’s lived to a ripe old ages, with a few scrapes along the way, just like all of us – whether a Landlubber or Old Sea Dog.  But a hook here and an eyepatch there just make him all the more determined to make the best of all that senior life in Solva has to offer.

Chapter 1 - Not the only model, but our model - Part 1

An introduction, and a bit of history, to Solva Care

Chapter 2 - Not the only model, but our model - Part 2

The purpose of Solva Care: what we do, and how we do it

Chapter 3 – Solva Care: the Coordinator’s story

An insight into Solva Care from our Coordinator’s perspective

Chapter 4 - Getting started

Our experience of the early stages of our project

Chapter 5 - A communications guide - Part 1

Websites, hosting and email addresses

Chapter 7 - Volunteers and volunteering

What we found out about volunteers and volunteering

Chapter 8 - Finances

An introduction to finances and fundraising

Chapter 9 - Data protection

Signposting you to get it right from the start

Chapter 10 - Governance

Keeping our work on track, and doing things the right way

Chapter 11 - Research, monitoring and evaluation

How to build in research and evaluation plans to your project

Toolkit Resources

For copies of useful documents

“I’m bowled over by how comprehensive your Toolkit is!

I like the personal narrative, quick wins, and generous spattering of weblinks to other organisations – made me want to explore. 

And I love the suggestion that Solva Care is not an organisation, but a way of working.  Love it!”

Registered Charity Number 1172878