This week is ‘Welcome to Your Vote’ week, a really important note for those in Wales: 16 and 17 year olds will be eligible to vote in Senedd elections in May. If you’re eligible to vote, make sure you’re registered by 19th April.
• Welcome to your vote!
Did you know that 16 and 17 year olds can vote in May’s Senedd elections? Learn more about your vote at
• 16 and 17 year olds can vote in May’s Senedd elections for the first time. But you must remember to register by 19 April
Register now at
• How do I vote in a polling station? Can I vote from home?
Learn about your voting options at
• Croeso i dy bleidlais!
Oeddet ti’n gwybod bod pobl 16 ac 17 oed nawr yn gallu pleidleisio yn etholiadau’r Senedd? Dysga ragor am sut i fwrw dy bleidlais trwy
• Bydd pobl 16 ac 17 oed yn gallu pleidleisio yn etholiadau’r Senedd am y tro cyntaf ym mis Mai. Ond cofia gofrestru erbyn 19 Ebrill.
Cofrestra nawr trwy
• Sut ydw i’n pleidleisio mewn gorsaf bleidleisio? Alla i bleidleisio o gartref?
Dysga ragor am dy ddewisiadau pleidleisio trwy
Image by OpenClipart-Vectors from Pixabay.
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