The Eden Project are holding a virtual ‘community camp’ this March. Thanks to National Lottery players anybody who is supporting their community in their own time, or wants to do more to help their local area could be eligible for this fully funded opportunity!

Eden Project Communities are hosting a FREE Virtual Community Camp – an immersive learning experience offering a mix of practical activities, workshop sessions and networking opportunities for people from across the UK. It’s designed for people who want to develop ideas, activities or projects to help improve their neighbourhood and community.

The next Virtual #CommunityCamp will be held in March 2021 and is open for applications now. All levels of experience are welcome, from beginner up, and the camp introduces you to an ongoing network of like-minded people who support each other.

The Virtual Community Camp will span four weeks and will consist of two sessions per week plus a few additional/offline activities for you to do in your own time during the week. You can also receive a certificate confirming completion of a Prospect Awards Endorsed Programme in Creative Community Leadership at the end of the course. This is integrated into the programme of sessions with no additional coursework or assessment.

For more information, and to apply go to:

Gwersyll Cymunedol Digidol Prosiect Eden Mawrth 2021

Mae Prosiect Eden yn cynnal ‘gwersyll cymunedol’ digidol ym mis Mawrth. Diolch i chwaraewyr y Loteri Genedlaethol, gallai unrhyw un sy’n cefnogi eu cymuned yn eu hamser eu hunain, neu sydd eisiau gwneud mwy i helpu eu hardal leol fod yn gymwys i gael y cyfle hwn a ariennir yn llawn!

Mae Cymunedau Prosiect Eden yn cynnal Gwersyll Cymunedol Digidol AM DDIM – profiad dysgu sy’n cynnig cymysgedd o weithgareddau ymarferol, sesiynau gweithdy a chyfleoedd rhwydweithio i bobl o bob rhan o’r DU. Mae wedi’i gynllunio ar gyfer pobl sydd eisiau datblygu syniadau, gweithgareddau neu brosiectau sydd yn gwella ei gymdogaeth a chymuned.

Bydd y Gwersyll Cymunedol Digidol nesaf yn cael ei gynnal ym mis Mawrth 2021 ac mae ceisiadau ar agor nawr. Mae croeso i bobl a bob lefel o brofiad, o ddechreuwyr i fyny, ac mae’r gwersyll yn eich cyflwyno i rwydwaith parhaus o bobl debyg sy’n cefnogi’ch gilydd.

Bydd y Gwersyll Cymunedol Digidol yn para pedwar wythnos a bydd yn cynnwys dwy sesiwn yr wythnos ynghyd ag ychydig o weithgareddau ychwanegol / all-lein i chi eu gwneud yn eich amser eich hun yn ystod yr wythnos. Gallwch hefyd dewis i dderbyn gwobr ‘Arweinyddiaeth Gymunedol Greadigol’ sef rhaglen sydd wedi’i chymeradwyo gan Prospect Award. Mae hyn wedi’i integreiddio i’r rhaglen o sesiynau heb unrhyw waith cwrs nac asesiad ychwanegol.

Am ragor o wybodaeth, ac i wneud cais ewch i:

Image by Penstones from Pixabay