Men2Men are running some new workshops in Pembrokeshire during February and March that might be interesting to Solva men over 50

1. Food Buddies.
An Online session for Men aged 50+ to:
– share recipes, cooking skills, welsh culinary and food heritage and
– learn how to make hearty soups, simple breads and cooking on a budget.

The session will be led by those attending and the plan for each session agreed by all in advance.

3 * 1 hour sessions over the months of February and March ..
All held on Zoom.

2. There is no retirement age in Life:

A facilitated course made up of 2* 1.5 hour sessions and is for
Men aged 50+, by:

– discovering the wisdom in growing older,
– sharing techniques in adapting to older age and
– looking towards what lasting legacy do you want to build in your life.

The sessions are Fun and Inclusive and will be a mix of short videos, conversation and sharing together to address the ‘ageism in our own lives from the inside out and discussing a new vision for growing older.

The second half of life signals the beginning of the longest stage of human growth and development. We are learning that our bonus years present different challenges and opportunities. For many of us they are the most exciting and creative times of our lives and also the most miserable, isolating and lonely times. It is up to us to unmask our future because in life there is no retirement age.

For more information and details on the above sessions contact