Exciting job opportunity with the PIP Project – Connecting our Community – Prevention, Integration, Partnership
Would you be interested in helping Solva Care extend its work in the local community? The Solva Care Trustees are looking for a person with good local knowledge and an interest in helping and supporting our community. We have funding to appoint a Development Assistant to work with the Solva Care Co-ordinator to deliver the PIP project as part of the Solva Care programme
The Development Assistant will be working with individuals and organisations to:
- support the take up of the Direct payment option of Social Services funding
- facilitate joint working arrangements between paid domiciliary carers and those family and volunteer carers delivering social care
- support privately employed carers to get training and to establish themselves as mini enterprises if they wish to do so
- develop a preventive health care programme for the community as a whole
- build up a programme of locally available activities and interests groups to increase participation and involvement
Salary: £12 per hour, 16 hours a week (max 64 hours per month). Location of post: Solva, Pembrokeshire. Expected start date: April 2018
Application by CV and letter
Interested?? Find out more about the job and about how to apply by contacting Bruce Payne, Solva Care Finance Officer, brucepayne241@gmail.com, Tel: 07890987259
Or, for an informal chat, contact Mollie Roach, Project Leader, contact@solvacare.co.uk 01437 721580.
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